Morning Quiet
In the quiet hours of the morning, anything is possible and the day looms in front of me like the last day of school just before the final dismissal bell.
Time stops and nature reigns supreme as I find myself listening to the stream in the distance as well as the variety of bird calls overhead, squirrels and chipmunks conversing. Yes, there is the occasional plane and gentle footsteps of the workers but I can choose my focus on this lovely summers day.
I look forward to the day that we all realize our power to choose. When we all embrace the sense of belonging and oneness with the world, the universe, God… In that position, we will know that you and I are simply parts of the same body. Each serving a purpose and worthy of love and respect. NOT because of what have, what we’ve done, but because of the miracle of life that we have been blessed with.
Anger, fear, hate, grief, loneliness, depression, guilt…all very real emotions but they separate us from each other and encourage the creation of the very same emotions and actions we despise. Whether it is on the large scale of war, terrorism, hate crimes or civil unrest to the more unspeakable acts of abuse involving families or self abuse; this inability to recognize our innate connection is like a highly contagious virus that can only be stopped with a serious injection of love – self-acceptance, self-respect and the recognition that everyone else has the right and responsibility to embrace their own unique contributions to humanity.
I hope, if you’ve read this far 🙂 that you too know how incredibly wonderful you are and how much I appreciate your existence in my life.