I M Possible
The world is full of zanies and fools – who don’t believe in sensible rules and don’t believe what sensible people say – and just because the dewy-eyed dopes keep building up impossible hopes …
“Impossible” things are happening every day!
Compliments of Rogers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella
It seems to me that the words “impossible”, “can’t” and “inconceivable” ought to be stricken from the English language. Or to quote another notable “I do not think it means what you think it means.” So said Inigo Montoya to Vizzini in The Princess Bride.
We have example after example of walls being torn down, boundaries being expanded and knowledge being challenged and changed every day. There are programs out there by the score that dare us to challenge our belief system – look deeply into what is “true” and as more and more of us do that – what was “true” yesterday – isn’t today.
Even the Bible tells us that… “with God all things are possible”. There may be those reading this that would say that it’s a figure of speech – I say it means exactly what it says. When I have the power of God on my side (I’m acting from Love) then I can do anything. It’s my belief that keeps me from doing — whatever it is that I’m challenged to do. And yes, many of the beliefs that I carry are rooted in the traditional acceptance of what I’ve been taught.
Take a minute today and listen to your own inner dialogue and see if you can find more possibilities, more miracles, and more beauty.
I would hope that today you all begin to believe that anything is possible – in a most glorious, loving way!