The Art Of Living In The Moment
We just released a new short course that I’m pretty excited about as it is filled with bite-sized chunks of information. Easily digestible and easy to work with think about it this way.
Here’s a mindmap way of looking at this process in The Art of Living In The Moment: How to Live a Better Life by Choosing to Live NOW.
Most people are trained since birth to WAIT. They are led to believe that they have to wait for certain things before they can be HAPPY, COMPLETE, and FULFILLED. The lifecycle of the typical American: birth > school > work > retirement > death
We’re led to believe that happiness is some sort of destination. If you study hard, you get in the right school > right job > success.
The problem? By the time whatever we worked so hard for materializes, we have mentally moved on. We have convinced ourselves we won’t be happy unless something else happens. As a result, we never cross the finish line. So happiness, contentment, fulfillment, they all remain an illusion.
We are trained to see everything as a SHORTHAND for this process – ie., stuff we buy, relationships we have, all these are supposed to be MEANS to an END… they are never ENDS in and of themselves.
The END is scary.
No wonder so many people live lives that they feel are MEANINGLESS, EMPTY, VOID. Too many people killing themselves with millions in the bank There are so many people we look up to who end up drinking themselves to numbness or self-medicating.
The problem is NOT – effective goal setting!
The problem is NOT – inability to experience happiness – people do experience it but it is never enough nor does it last long enough. As Abraham (Ester Hicks) once said, it’s like chewing gum, it has great flavor but it eventually dissipates and you need more / something new.
The problem is NOT feeling in control – you feel you have control but there’s no point to it. You can make things happen but so what?
Thankfully, there is a solution: you can choose to LIVE in the NOW or The Present Moment.
Here’s a look at what is covered in the course:
With Chapter 1 we examine the cause for feeling…
Over-stressed Overwrought Overdue
Do you feel like you have so many things to worry about?
- responsible / duty / obligation
- does it feel like you have many balls up in the air?
- does it seem like the more you take action, the more things stay the same
Do you worry about other people to the point you can no longer focus on yourself?
Then there is the Trap of the Illusion of “Selflessness”. Are you so focused on yourself that everything seems to be a judgment of you? That Blackhole of Self?
In Chapter 2 there is more about the ability to Reclaim your Power of Focus.
- What you CHOOSE to focus on grows
- Focus is a CHOICE
- Real focus is never desperate
Reclaim your ability to focus
– time
– attention
– resources
Make your time, your attention, and your resources COUNT!
In Chapter 3 we cover the ability to Rediscover the ETERNAL NOW
Most people have forgotten the Present Moment because they are so tied up with going “somewhere” or being “somebody”. This incessant desire for motion and identity leaves us EMPTY.
Meditation reveals the power of the ETERNAL NOW allowing you to be in the present moment where you come face to face with the power of your mind to shape your reality
In Chapter 4 you are reminded that the BIG PICTURE is the ETERNAL
Everything works in DUALITY and the Greeks Got It Partially Right with the binary world. However, the Yin and Yang Make the Universe Turn with both binary and complementary.
Then you’ll harness the Power of the VOID.
Moving on to Chapter 5 you reexamine your Mental Self-Reclamation Blueprint…
- Take Stock
- Get Real
- Get Quiet
- Refocus
- Scale
This is not magic! Nor is it mysticism or religion, you know what it is, you have just “forgotten”.
In Chapter 6 we take stock and zero in on your LIFE’S OBJECTIVE by taking inventory in 3 key areas of your life and then use the proverbial razor to make a clean shave of everything you really want.
In Chapter 7 you’re going to detox and really discover what is behind your objectives and goals. Remember, YOU choose. You choose your ideals, your values so as you make sure they line up you’ll find the power that flows from your purpose and your integrity.
Then in Chapter 8, you’ll get quiet. What if I told you that you’re always interrupting yourself? That constant mental chatter gets in the way but you must get quiet first and stop editing your thoughts and feelings.
We’ll show you several powerful ways to achieve this quiet state and enjoy the now!
By Chapter 9 you will get in the habit of practicing Mindfulness to reclaim your power of FOCUS with several techniques like counting your breath and more. As you do this you can now operate out of FREEDOM. You have a different way of being, of looking at life when you operate out of this mental free space
Finally, in Chapter 10 you will let your inner peace spread as you have that inner peace that comes from real confidence in who you are and what you have to share with the world.
Now many of you can make all of this happen just by having read this post and I’m thrilled…we’re all the better for the peace, confidence and joy of every human being in this world. But if you want more…check out the course in the pdf here.